Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dear Baby(s)...

Benjamin William Clarke

Sophia Isabella-Diane

Dear Benjamin & Sophie,

I am your Mom. I read countless books on sleep training and we broke all of the rules the first week for both of you. I planned to nurse for months and I was ready to quit our first day home! I never knew what sleep deprivation could do to a marriage. And when everyone asks how I am adjusting, I smile and get up to warm a bottle.

The dark circles under my eyes will be a testimony to late nights, bad dreams and broken curfews (someday). I have studied faces, photos and figures and I am certian there is none more beautiful than each of you. Whether that`s because you are mine or because you are a benchmark for beauty matters little. I am in the middle of reading 6 books about you, and the photos on my nightstand are stacked so high that I`ll be scrapbooking until I`m 80. I have memorized your legnth, weight and head circumference`s but I have no idea what day it is.

I have the ability to sleep through the freight train snoring next to me but a sigh from the baby monitor or the bassinet wakes me instantly!! My lullabies are rusty. My nursery rhymes are imcomplete. But my time is all yours.

The time will come when you don`t want me around. You`ll want me to drop you off before our destination as you struggle to find your independance. Although it will sting, I`ll do my best to respect your space and let you grow!

We`ll laugh, cry, dream and play. There will be seasons where I love you though I have nothing left to give, and others where you will sustain me. The older you grow, the more our relationship will evolve. Someday, I will lay down the duties of motherhood and if I am lucky, you will each call me your `friend`.

Mine is the only career that provides a lifetime of on-the-job training. God designed me expressly to do this special work. My heart has been walking around outside my body since the days you were born, and I would not have it any other way!
I love you so much more than I knew I had love to give!!



Anonymous said...

Mandy: I have never before seen my heart on a page, but you summed up my entire life simply by having your own children (my wonderful Grandchildren) and understanding exactly the way I have been feeling since the first moment you appeared. I tell you all the time I cnouldn't possibly love you more and then another second goes by, and I love you so much more than the last. I guess this is the circle of life (love). I don't know a lot of things for sure in life but one thing I will for eternity be sure of, and that is only God could love you more than me.
I Love You so much,

Anonymous said...

Oh one more thing, when did you have the twins?
I Love You

Anonymous said...

well I had a headache from watching the hockey game and now its worse from crying, reading your blog. You sure can put your feelings on paper or shall I say computer. Dad is just as sappy as you, and I love you more than him hehehe! Just had to get that in there.I have to agree with you though , being a Mom has its ups and downs but I'll always love both my girls no matter what.It is such a rewarding job God has given us as Moms and we proudly do our jobs!You and Stephanie are the apple of my eye and now my grandchildren arealso the apple of NANA's eye. I love you all
Mom and NANA! xoxoxo

Jaclyn said...

Wow. And.... WOW.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I am very proud of you for being such a wonderful Mom, You will have your reward someday! Love ya! Mom, xo

Joanne said...

Dear Mandy,
I think you speak for mothers everywhere in this post. You have written of the love that we never knew we had, the moments we each cherish and the life we all lead. Thank you for writing your heart.

SupaNanny said...

Ohhh Mandy, this is so beautiful!!

Em said...

What a beautiful letter Mandy. Your babies are going to love that when they're older, but love it the most when they have their own babies! :)

Team PM said...

So touching to read ... all us Moms know exactly what you are talking about. Isn't it funny how our babies are the MOST beautiful babies ... I can't imagine ever seeing another face as beautiful as my girl's ... at least until I have another bundle in my arms : ) I loved reading this!