Thursday, June 03, 2010

<<<- Perserverance ->>>

Have you ever felt tired?

Tired of the fight? Tired of the doubt? Tired of the defeat?

After a couple weeks of feeling a little overwhelmed with some feeding struggles with baby Sophie, I was ready to call nursing "quits" this morning!!! I had myself convinced that this was the best choice, and that as long as I offered her a couple nursing times each day, I wouldn't entirely be "giving up" on this job.

It only took a 15 minute phone call with an expert Mom I know, to encourage me to press on as well as offer perhaps a few explainations for those struggles we've been facing. Perhaps the struggles were ongoing for so long I was thinking only with tunnel vision? But after my Mommy friend's phone call (as well as several texts from a good friend DURING the phone call) the walls to my tunnel began to crumble and I could see the hope all around. Hope that was there the whole time, but I was too tired and too focused on the struggles to see clearly.

I'm thankful for friends like that. Who take time out of their busy busy days (both of them are the busiest people I know) to encourage perserverance. Because after that phone call and after those texts, I felt as though I had more options than just "calling it quits." Not only that, but I felt like I had renewed stregnth and support to press on!

Thank YOU friends :)

It reminds me of this verse from Romans 5:3-4:
"...We also rejoice in our struggles, because we know that struggle produces perserverance; perserverance, character; and character, hope."

Those are some of my more serious thoughts for the day! I will give you a better update on the Hills below with some new pictures of the kiddies :)

Benjamin- standing tall, wanting to go inside after a long playtime outside!
He continues to be our source of adventure and fun! Something new to learn every single day!!

Sophia- hanging out outside in the shade!

She continues to be our happy, smiley, cheerful girl :) So much love!!!

Here are the 3 love of my life!!
Daddy, Benjamin & Sophia!
I will start with Benjamin. This boy is our source of adventure!!! If we aren't RUNNING after him, we are pulling him down off the stairs, or rescuing him from a jump off the top of the couch!!! We spend more time kissing his boo-boo's then we do anything else these days!!
Now that it is warmer weather, we have been spending more time outside. He LOVES to swim, LOVES to play in his new sandbox (thank you Aunty Michelle & Uncle Shaun), and loves to run around in the grassy backyard. I have had a couple pretty long walks in the sun and he loves to be pushed around, taking everything in!! We even had him to the park last week for the first time, which he seemed to enjoy as well!!
He is growing leaps and bounds! At our last check-up (at 18 months) he weighs 25lbs, 10oz and is 34 inches in legnth. He actually weighs a whole pound LESS than his 12 month old friend Josh Pye, but displays all the signs that point to him being a normal healthy little boy :)
He eats like a little bird- he'd rather be running aruond and playing outside!! But, what he doesn't eat at one meal, he makes up for it the next.
Our baby sign language has taken off!!! He has mastered the signs for: Yes, No, All Done, More and Milk.
He is such a sweet boy! I hope to capture a new video soon- he is back to showing off those "muscles" and its too cute not to show off!!!
Sophia is also doing great. Her monitor has stayed quiet since that last episode in Halifax. She has been growing well: at her last appointment she weighed in at 13lbs even, 24 inches in legnth!
Her milestones or "motor-skills" if you will have been developing very nicely as well. She smiles and giggles, coo's often, know's her own name, and rolls over from front to back as well as from back to front!!!
I mentioned above about her eating. I will give an update on that in a couple more weeks time. Hopefully we see some changes! Perhaps I will even have some teeth to report!!
Daddy, has returned to work and is enjoying being back to a routine. He is actually having his 3 year evaluation with our senior pastor this afternoon. Hard to believe that we have been here 3 years already! A whole lot of changes have happened for us as a family in those 3 years!!
And, as for myself, I currently have cold number 3 for 2010!! I have spent the last two days wiping runny noses, including my own. But, my husband- despite his incredibly busy work schedule this week has popped in occasionly to bring chicken noodle soup and drinks for me!
I am blessed!!!
Have a great day everyone, praying you find yourself blessed today as well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you certainly know how to make your Mama cry, and yes you are very blessed!!! Love yah, Mama xoxo