Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Being Gracious.... (Day 4)

A friendship that started from the day she was born! (and only because she's younger!)


Our Mother's were friends when they were our age, and remain friends to this very day! I remember visits and get-togethers when we were small kids- like trips to "Raven Haven", and swim time at our parents hotel- but I did not have any idea the wonderful part of my life this beautiful girl would become today!

3 years ago in August Amber moved to Windsor- just following Nathan and I who moved here in May. We started our infrequent starbucks dates one August afternoon and walked into a friendship that reminds our Mothers of their friendship. Since that day, we have seen each other through so so many things! Both of us have purchased our own home in that time, we've seen each other through financial strain, new employment, college (for both of us), graduation (for Amber) and pregnancy-children (myself)! We`ve laughed, we`ve cried... we`re friends :)

You may even call us match-makers, because when we put our heads together, we can put together a pretty great couple :)

Living away from our homes, and our families- we`ve become a piece of `family`for each other and for that I am so grateful! Thank you Amber for not only trusting me to be the one you can vent on from time to time, but for also being the one I can vent to as well! I trust and value your opinion and I am so thankful for the strong person you are!

Thank you God for Amber, and for all the great times that we have had, but also for all the great times we will spend as friends in years to come!
Thank you Amber, for the wonderful friend you have been to me! You really are my sister at heart!!

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